A rare SOLO  special guest appearance by HANDSOME DICK MANITOBA, on his very own PODCAST: “YOU DON’T KNOW DICK!”…Mr. Manitoba Spewing his great knowledge of Rock n’ Roll, Baseball, almost getting in a fight outside a NYC gym,MR.Manitoba offers his OPINIONS, which, for all intents and purposes, ARE FACTS!!!!..SO, TUNE IN, TURN ON,AND DROP OUT,…

Episode 10 – Erin “DIY” Fuckin’ Micklow

Episode 10 – Erin “DIY” Fuckin’ Micklow Hey everybody “you don’t know Dick!” my podcast is back on Broadway after a whole bunch of weeks of a whole bunch of shit going wrong I am on top of the mountain again this week’s guest is an amazing fascinating do it yourself girl named Erin Micklow…

Episode 3 – Lenny Kaye

Episode 03 – Lenny Kaye Such a fascinating living part of Rock’n Roll history, that the interview lasted three hours …we HAD to break it into 2 interviews! #PODCAST #YouDontKnowDick @HandsomeDickManitoba #HandsomedickManitoba SUBSCRIBE NOW ON iTUNES, GOOGLE PLAY, STITCHER !!! Podcast: “You Don’t Know Dick!” with Handsome Dick Manitoba I ask all my friends family…

Episode 2 – Frank Rothman

Episode 02 – Legalities – Frank Rothman Episode number 2 of “You Don’t Know Dick” The Handsome Dick Manitoba podcast, is up and running and stars the fascinating defense attorney, Frank ROTHMAN, Who defended me of the ridiculous crap I had to deal with last year, who grew up on the lower Eastside as did…

Episode 1 – Bob Gruen

BOB GRUEN has so many great stories that I actually might shut up for a little while…. just a little while!!! On our inaugural episode of “You Don’t Know Dick!” we are joined by one of my closest friends and a legend in music and journalism, Bob Gruen. Bob has photographed everyone from John Lennon…